Computer Science & Engineering (CSE)

Computer Science & Engineering (CSE)


SK Mamunur Rashid


About this course

The aim of the computer science and engineering department are

  • To prepare students for graduate training in some specialized area of computer science.
  • To prepare students for jobs in industry, business or government and
  • To provide support courses for students in engineering, mathematics and other fields requiring computing skills.

Program Objectives:

Upon successful completion of a major in computer science and engineering students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate proficiency in problem-solving techniques using the computer
  • Demonstrate proficiency in at least two high-level programming languages and two operating systems
  • Demonstrate proficiency in the analysis of complex problems and the synthesis of solutions to those problems
  • Demonstrate comprehension of modern software engineering principles
  • Demonstrate a breadth and depth of knowledge in the discipline of computer science

Program Background:

Computer science is the base and platform for countless industries and disciplines. Today’s employers need graduates with both a solid foundation in the principles of computer science and specialized computing skills and backgrounds – individuals with a generalist’s knowledge, but an expert’s eye for innovation and problem solving. It only makes sense that a computer science education reflects this reality. The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science program at the prepares students to leave school with the tools needed to become innovators and global leaders in computing. Common roles for graduates include computer programmer, software designer and engineer, financial analyst and scientific researcher.

Learning Outcomes:

Our student learning outcomes for the B.S. program in computer science are:

  • Analyze a complex computing problem and to apply principles of computing and other relevant disciplines to identify solutions.
    • Design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of computing requirements in the context of the program’s discipline.
    • Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts.
    • Recognize professional responsibilities and make informed judgments in computing practice based on legal and ethical principles.
    • Function effectively as a member or leader of a team engaged in activities appropriate to the program’s discipline.
    • Apply computer science theory and software development fundamentals to produce computing-based solutions

Course Curriculum

Four Year B.Sc. Honours Course.

First Year (1st Semester)
 Reading: Structured Programming Language
 Reading: Structured Programming Language Lab
 Reading: Electrical and Electronic Circuit
 Reading: Electrical and Electronic Circuit Lab
 Reading: Calculus
 Reading: Physics
 Reading: English
First Year (2nd Semester)
 Reading: Digital Systems Design
 Reading: Digital Systems Lab
 Reading: Discrete Mathematics
 Reading: Linear Algebra
 Reading: Statistics and Probability
 Reading: History of the Emergence of Independent Bangladesh
Second Year (3rd Semester)
 Reading: Data Structure
 Reading: Data Structure Lab
 Reading: Object Oriented Programming
 Reading: Object Oriented Programming Lab
 Reading: Computer Architecture
 Reading: Ordinary Differential Equation
 Reading: Fundamental of Business Studies
Second Year (4th Semester)
 Reading: Database Management System
 Reading: Database Management System Lab
 Reading: Microprocessor and Assembly Language
 Reading: Microprocessor and Assembly Language Lab
 Reading: Design and Analysis of Algorithms
 Reading: Design and Analysis of Algorithms Lab
 Reading: Numerical Analysis
Third Year (5th Semester)
 Reading: Peripheral and Interfacing
 Reading: Peripheral and Interfacing Lab
 Reading: Data and Telecommunications
 Reading: Data and Telecommunications Lab
 Reading: Operating System
 Reading: Operating System Lab
 Reading: Economics
Third Year (6th Semester)
 Reading: Software Engineering
 Reading: Software Engineering Lab
 Reading: Computer Networking
 Reading: Computer Networking Lab
 Reading: Embedded System Programming
 Reading: Embedded System Programming Lab
 Reading: Theory of Computation
Fourth Year (7th Semester)
 Reading: Artificial Intelligence
 Reading: Artificial Intelligence Lab
 Reading: Compiler Design and Construction
 Reading: Compiler Design Lab
 Reading: Computer Graphics
 Reading: Computer Graphics Lab
 Reading: E-Commerce and Web Engineering
 Reading: E-Commerce and Web Engineering Lab
Fourth Year (8th Semester)
 Reading: Network and Information Security
 Reading: Network and Information Security Lab
 Reading: Information System Management
 Reading: Project/Industry Attachment
At a glance


4 Years


HSC passed with min. GPA-2.5


232900 BDT